Creative photo series by talented Spanish photographer Eugenio Recuenco was inspired by the famous paintings of Pablo Picasso.
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40+ Inspiring Book & paper Sculptures
The book serves as a tool to record historical events that
transcend through the ages, passing down knowledge from generation to
generation, spanning scientific studies to artistic fields. Today, it is
more than just a recording tool, as creative artists start transforming
them into genuine and remarkable art forms, generally named Book Sculptures.
Obsessed by the beauty in them and the effort it took to create these
beautifully detailed sculptures, we want to take the chance to showcase
to you 44 ingenious book sculptures, each carefully crafted by passionate sculptors. What you will see will not be cutouts from books, most of the sculptures are still in the book!
Meanwhile, if you have a passion for the paper art as well, we actually got them covered for you!
- Masters of Paper Art and Sculptures – Part II
- Masters of Paper Art and Sculptures
- 70 Beautiful Origami Paper Art
A Fun Time With Knowledge. This book sculpture
features very detailed skeleton sculptures and old school music player,
but what made this sculpture really special is the fact that nobody
knows who created it – the artwork was delivered to a library or certain
event secretly. (Image Source: chrisdonia)
Plant of Appreciation. Another secretly delivered
book sculpture with aggressive details. Next to the tree sits a paper
egg lined with gold and quoted parts from the poem “A Trace of Wings” by
Edwin Morgan. (Image Source: chrisdonia)
Teabreak. A sculpture with beauty and elegance
crafted in. It was found at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
with the tag, reading “To @edbookfest ‘A gift’ This is for you in
support of libraries, books, words, ideas… & festivals. XX” Really mysterious, huh? (Image Source: chrisdonia)
Dairy Nets & Soda. You can’t deny that this
sculpture is epic. Brian Dettmer takes a thick book and transformed it
into an extremely impressive book sculpture, and what’s unbelievable is,
he didn’t add anything extra to form the sculpture! (Image Source: Brian Dettmer)
Mound 2. By just removing what was there in the
first place, a boring, abandoned book can even be turned into something
fantastic and remarkable. Hat tip to the creator. (Image Source: Brian Dettmer)
Tab. Brian Dettmer is not only good at sculpting one book, as this sculpture composed by several books will prove to you. (Image Source: Brian Dettmer)
The Household Physicians. As the name of the book
implies, all the colorful anatomy images came from the book itself – the
sculptor just removed certain parts of the book to reveal the gems
inside. Genius. (Image Source: Brian Dettmer)
Anthologia. Doubtless to say, Jacqueline Rush Lee’s
book sculptures are one of the most unique in the industry, and a lot of
hard work was put in to make them. For this one, it was hand-painted,
sanded, inked, and completed with bookmarks and archival glue. (Image Source: Jacqueline Rush Lee)
Unfurled. Extremely eye-pleasing colors. The form is
quite abstract, but you can feel like it’s a real creature that exists
in our world! (Image Source: Jacqueline Rush Lee)
Flutter. Splendid colors, dynamic lines, great expression. Truly a genuine product of art. (Image Source: Jacqueline Rush Lee)
Lorem Ipsum II. What would you perceive this as? I never knew that the combination of books can form such a lively “creature”! (Image Source: Jacqueline Rush Lee)
Grand Larousse. Guy Laramee has his own passion on
the art of book sculpting. His book sculptures consist mostly of
landscapes, and this sculpture is just one of his greatest products of
passion. (Image Source: Guy Laramee)
Longmen. Form an epic geographical existence with just 9 Longmen books, seriously? And this sculptor has just done that. (Image Source: Guy Laramee)
Book People. If you want to argue that life and spirit existed inside a book, this piece could be your most persuasive proof. (Image Source: Guy Laramee)
Petra. There’s a world for you to discover in every book. Literally. (Image Source: Guy Laramee)
What Have We Become? Vol. 1 Nicholas Galanin is good
at turning a lifeless book into a face with rich emotions that are
sometimes even more expressive than a human’s face. (Image Source: Nicholas Galanin)
Tlingit Vol.11. He’s silent, and he’s looking at you. For a second, you might believe that he’s alive. (Image Source: Nicholas Galanin)
Garden of Forking Paths. Many might have done the
paper sculptures with these kinds of shapes, but few are as precise as
Nicholas Jones’ book sculptures. (Image Source: Nicholas Jones)
Das Moderne Orchester. The right book and carefully
crafted shapes, these are all you need to create an inspiring sculpture
like the one showcased below. (Image Source: Nicholas Jones)
Rose. Can you count how many of the books are linked
to create this unique book sculpture? Besides, you can also view
similar sculptures with fewer books; just click on the same image here.(Image Source: Robert The)
Scorpion. I love the tail, simply because it’s awesome. (Image Source: Robert The)
Gideons Biblegun. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit, but apparently, it’s good as a gun, too. (Image Source: Robert The)
Bible Grenade. I think the best term to describe this sculpture is probably “creative”. (Image Source: Robert The)
Le Deuxième Sexe. Georgia Russell’s works, which are
mostly placed into a jar, are often associated with carefully crafted
books and leaf-like papercuts. A genuine blend, for sure. (Image Source: Georgia Russell)
Baudelaire. Watching this abstract and awe-inspiring sculpture, I just remembered that books were originally part of the nature. (Image Source: Georgia Russell)
The Baron in the Trees. This world built on a book seems more beautiful than the real world we live in. (Image Source: Su Blackwell)
The Orient Express. Every book has its own tale, and Su Blackwell is great at telling tales through this sculpture. (Image Source: Su Blackwell)
The Old House. Simple and gorgeous, doesn’t it just light up your life? (Image Source: Su Blackwell)
Holiday Tree. A similar pattern with most works in
the industry, but with added lights and a star to form a Christmas tree!
Now that’s called a creative twist. (Image Source: Kimbrough Library)
Folded Book. It challenged the usual sculpture patterns, and the outcome is strikingly cool. (Image Source: Kimbrough Library)
Recycled Art. You can’t deny the fact that this piece is really inspiring. (Image Source: Kimbrough Library)
The Ark. Book sculpture always look like it’s telling you a tale, so is this wonderful piece. (Image Source: n217cs)
Rocket Launcher. Smart use of paper to form a blasting wave below the rocket. Books can take you anywhere, if you embrace it. (Image Source: n217cs)
Typography. Typography is what makes a book appealing, and this well-executed sculpture reminds me of the fact. (Image Source: n217cs)
A Book Sculpture. A sculpture with comfortable shapes and modern colors applied. Nice try! (Image Source: Cara Smith)
Book of Shadows III. Seriously epic, and terrifying
as well! Despite the details, I think I have any guts to put it in my
room for a while, but it makes for a successful Halloween decoration, as
intended by the creator. (Image Source: Nachthauch)
Book With Wings. There’s hardly a book sculpture
that will influence the environment around it, but this is the
exception. It looks holy and angelic – you go silent from looking at it.
(Image Source: Unfocused Mike)
Train. Well executed – the sculpture, angle and
lighting. This imaginative creation actually makes me feel like it’s
really come out from the book! (Image Source: Becky Delaware)
Butterfly 2. Inspiring combination of books to form a unique sculpture, nice colors as well! (Image Source: Cara Barer)
Chapter 21. Flower blossoming from the book, what could be fresher than this! (Image Source: carrotskanfli)
The Words Fly Off the Pages. So much fiery love to
this sculpture! The feathers are probably the critical factor that made
this sculpture so beautiful and expressive. (Image Source: sneekyfox)
Live Garden Journal. This piece has the potential to
become a very different sculpture form! It will be good to see more
similar sculptures like this! (Image Source: cloutierj)
Pride and Prejudice. This sculpture resulted from an assignment, but it looks quite professional, if you ask me! Well done, Shamus. (Image Source: shamus)
Big Fish CU. What made this sculpture a jewel is the
ripple effect behind the fish! An awesome idea that makes the entire
sculpture come to life. (Image Source: striker313)
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About Me

- Evan (Yvonne) Mu
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- An Iraqi\Canadian Writer, Journalist, Artist Feminist & LGBTQ+ Activist. Lives in Toronto, ON
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المشاركات الشائعة
Falling in Love Is It SIN ?! Farewell .... what happened ? aha .... end of the story !
استطاعت المعمارية زها حديد أن تحول اسمها إلى أحد مرادفات الإبداع المعماري، فلا تكاد تسمع اسمها إلا ويقفز إلى ذهنك صورة الإبداع الغير مألو...